Mt. Rainier at Reflection Lake 2014

TITLE:Mt. Rainier at Reflection Lake” 
DATA:     Mt. Rainier National Park: Washington State, October 2014

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If not for the pictures to prove it, I'm not sure anyone but my sister (who was also there at the moment) would believe what happened at this lake. This is Reflection Lake, one of the most famous spots in Washington State to photograph the mighty Mt. Rainier. This majestic mountain peak can be seen as far as 2 hours away in Seattle on a clear day. It almost haunted me to see it wherever I could while visiting this area. It became my secret mission to see how many different views I could photograph it from. And then the day came; the day we were to be at Mt. Rainier National Park and photograph the great mountain peak up close and personal. The weather though, would not cooperate with us. See, the mountain creates its own weather formations, and it would not take orders from some photographer with an iPhone. So the sun we saw while driving from Seattle to the Park disappeared behind grey clouds almost the moment we entered the lane toward the Lake. I begged, I pleaded, I waited (not-so-patiently) for the clouds to part. But the mountain was having nothing to do with me, deciding to cloak itself within the clouds it had made.

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So my sister and I went exploring. We drove for a bit. We hiked for a bit. We picnicked for a bit. And we returned to Reflection Lake. And were a bit disappointed still. Nothing but clouds at the top. I swallowed my pride and took a deep breath, letting the mountain have the win. I raised my proverbial white flag and turned sadly back to the car, when all of a sudden I heard a gasp from my sister. I turned around, in almost a daze, to see a small hole in the clouds, sweeping slowly across the skyline. The mountain was teasing me! But I would take whatever glimpse the peak would allow me to have. Snap! Snap! Click! Click! Click! Away went both our cameras, capturing the movement of the hole across the sky and mountain peak. Until something I hadn't dared dream to happen, happened – suddenly the cloud rolled back, almost like a curtain, and the peak itself waved hello to us! I almost couldn't believe it! For about 5 whole minutes, we had the most breath-taking view of Mt. Rainier I couldn't have imagined! And our not-so-patient patience was richly rewarded at Reflection Lake that autumn afternoon. A moment in time I share only with the mountain and my sister. But I have the pictures to prove it.

Photos taken with iPhone 4 in Washington State, October 2014. 
Copyright retained by Amber John.

Work (Photos and writing)  may not be reproduced in any form without written consent of Amber John.


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